** My New Family ** Studley (Houston, TX)

Poor Studley. This approximately 2 year old boy was living his best life until last Saturday. Allegedly he and his blind brother were abandoned at an apartment complex out in Monte Belvieu. A neighbor took them in for a bit, but Studley made a daring escape and instead of finding freedom he got kissed by a moving truck.
Fortunately he lived to have bragging rights. Studley does have some road rash and a fractured penis (of all things), but is otherwise unharmed. He is currently a resident of Vergi 24/7. His catheter will be removed tomorrow and then he can hopefully go somewhere more comfortable. Our understanding is he will be released after he proves he can pee normally.
The picture was before his hit and run. If you are available to foster please email srt@schnauzerescuetexas.me or apply online.
We added a link to donate incase anyone would like to help sponsor his stay in the ER. His diagnostic testing on intake alone cost $1500.