Everyone Wants SRT Merchandise!
Stock up on SRT merchandise! Schnauzer Rescue of Texas appreciates the many individuals who help support our cause in so many different ways. Enjoy browsing our small ‘store’! Interested in making a purchase? Please contact Kathryn at <name>@SchnauzerRescueTexas.me. Replace <name> with Kathryn (we don’t type out the address to protect ourselves against robot spam emails)!
Portraits In Pastel – Great Holiday Gift Item!
Are you interested in having your favorite pet painted on canvas? What a great holiday gift…for yourself or others! A 9×11 canvas is just $80! Contact SRT@SchnauzerRescueTexas.me to order yours or to request more information!
Bittys Custom Wreaths
This style of wreath is all the rage this year! And, as they are made by someone very close to SRT, we get to benefit by getting a share of the profits! Each round wreath is about 24″ x 24″. Designs are always changing as wreaths get sold. Prices are as marked. Wreaths are custom made using premium Deco Mesh or Burlap with interesting accessories! If you are interested in ordering any of the remaining wreaths – or interested in making a special order or request – just email Dorothy at bittyscustomwreaths@gmail.com. These wreaths will also be available at upcoming Meet & Greet events. Check out our events page for details! THANK YOU DOROTHY!